A web-based application to explore rodent trapping data.
As part of my review on rodent trapping studies as an overlooked information source for understanding zoonotic spillover I produced a Shiny application that allows exploration of the data. This current version has not been updated with manuscript. This is on my to-do list but the app may be helpful for researchers interested in visualising the dataset.
The primary purpose of this app is to provide an interactive interface to the data extracted as part of the rodent trapping review. The most useful sections are the Species presence and absence and Microorganisms detected sections, as these allow individuals to identify the locations of these detections. The app is availble here.
BibTeX citation:
author = {Simons, David},
title = {A Web-Based Application to Explore Rodent Trapping Data.},
date = {2022-11-02},
url = {https://diddrog11.shinyapps.io/scoping_review_app/},
langid = {en},
abstract = {As part of my review on rodent trapping studies as an
overlooked information source for understanding zoonotic spillover I
produced a Shiny application that allows exploration of the data.
This current version has not been updated with manuscript. This is
on my to-do list but the app may be helpful for researchers
interested in visualising the dataset.}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Simons, David. 2022. “A Web-Based Application to Explore Rodent
Trapping Data.” November 2, 2022. https://diddrog11.shinyapps.io/scoping_review_app/.